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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

We have been doing an extensive customer satisfaction survey over the last 6 months to find out how people rate Stairlift Solutions in various different ways and the results are now in!

Overall we scored an average of 9.9 out of 10 and 25 of the 29 people asked scored us 10/10, with 9/10 being the lowest score. We also scored an average of 9.9 out of 10 for people who were happy with their purchase with 26 of the 29 people asked scoring us 10/10, while the lowest score was 8/10 on just one occasion.

When it was broken down further we scored an average of 9.7 out of 10 for people’s opinion of our products and services during the survey and 21 of the 29 people asked scored us 10/10, while our lowest score was 8/10 on just one occasion.

Then when people were asked their opinion about our staff, we scored an average of 9.8 out of 10 with 23 of the 29 people scoring us 10/10, while 9/10 was our lowest score.

Finally we scored an average of 9.9 out of 10 when people were asked about our fitting and installation and 24 of the 29 people scored us 10/10, with 9/10 being our lowest score.

Obviously we are delighted with these scores but it has also been an opportunity to take on board people’s views and opinions about how we can be even better in the future. This is just a small representation of our new customers in this 6 months period but the results still provides a fairly accurate portrayal of how we are performing.

We can also compare these figures to a recent Which survey on stairlifts and although they are more extensive, as they asked 530 people who had bought a stairlift in the last 10 years, it’s still fair to say we scored much better than our competitors at Acorn, Stannah and Handicare.

One of our competitors was the most expensive on average but yet had the lowest score for reliability and comfort. Another one of our competitors scored well for usability but 1 in 4 people said they felt under pressure when buying from them, this is something that many people said in our own feedback that they were pleased we didn’t do! Another difference from a competitor with an expensive reputation was that 1 in 4 customers had to have a call out for repair soon after the installation and also that they wouldn’t buy the stairlift back when it was no longer needed, which is something that we offer to all our customers for straight stairlifts.

So on average it seems not only are we better priced than our major competitors but we also provide a much better service too! You can read more of that recent Which survey here – http://www.which.co.uk/home-and-garden/staying-independent-at-home/reviews-ns/best-stairlift-brands/best-stairlift-brands-overview

Thanks to all our customers who took part in our recent survey. We will be doing a prize draw very soon where one of them will win one of two Marks and Spencer’s Hampers worth over £50 each! The other hamper will go to a lucky winner from our recent competition at the 50+ Exhibition at The King’s Hall so watch this space.

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