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Riser Recliners

January 2023 Update

January 2023 Update

After a very busy 2022, we are now looking forward to what should be an exciting year ahead with continued growth in 2023.

Work is continuing on our new premises in Newtownards and we are hoping to move with a grand opening in early spring so watch this space!

Our HomeGlide Stairlifts have also been updated so head over to that page for more information and photos on the new and improved model.

Unfortunately due to rising costs across the board, we have had to have a price increase and restructure on some products this year, however with some stability now showing in many global markets, including our own economy, we don’t anticipate any further changes.

Finally, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their continued support and we wish you all a very Happy New Year!


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