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Riser Recliners

July 2021 Update

July 2021 Update

As our brand new website was being built recently we were unable to update our blog so here is a quick catch up with a few things that has been going on with us recently.


New Website

Our brand new website went live in June which features a whole new e-commerce side to it which allow customers to buy mobility products from us directly online. It also has our full range of stairlifts including the new Flow X Curved Stairlift and much more to explore.


£500 Flow X Winner & New Competition

Mrs Burgess in Belfast was the lucky winner of our £500 Flow X competition announced back in May. The competition was such a big hit that we have decided to run the same thing again, so anyone who buys a Flow X from May to July inclusive will be automatically entered into a competition to win £500!


Covid Update

Thankfully the vaccine rollout has been a huge success and our staff have been ‘double jabbed’ too. We are still using our very strict protocols across the board (see below in previous blog posts) in both our showroom and when out with people so you can rest assured that the safety of our customers and our staff is our number one priority.


Valerie Returns!

With Darcy leaving for pastures new, we welcomed back our previous Office Manager Valerie Danso. Valerie was always a big hit with our customers and it’s great to see her back again!

Recent Posts

Website Down

We’ve had a small technical issue with our website over the past day or two but it’s all sorted now

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FSB Awards UK Finals

Unfortunately we didn’t win at the FSB Awards UK Finals. It was a disappointing night overall for Northern Ireland with

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